How to guarantee the quality of erw carbon steel pipe

Keywords:erw carbon steel pipe
ERW carbon steel pipe with this processing technology has the advantage of heat treatment after welding process to eliminate the weld and heat-affected zone of the residual stress, grain refinement, weld heat affected zone is small, heating speed, which can greatly improve the welding speed and weld quality, and can be un-pickled, shot peening and trimming the strip as a blank, while welding alloy steel, high alloy steel and non-ferrous metal pipe, greatly reducing the unit power consumption, with a set of welding equipment can produce erw carbon steel pipe.

But at the same time, for the erw carbon steel pipe unit, the larger the diameter, the more it is limited by the strip weight and the wall thickness of the raw material, the storage equipment is limited by the spiral looper. In addition, the erw carbon steel pipe unit has a higher linear velocity, arc welding pipe speed is generally 3m / min, do not match each other. Therefore, erw carbon steel pipe units need to fully utilize and expand their own advantages in order to enhance product quality and develop new products.

erw carbon steel pipe

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