Specification for time and temperature of hot-dip galvanizing seamless steel tubes

Keywords:hot-dip galvanizing seamless steel tubes
From the past experiments and production practices, it is necessary to control the temperature of the hot-dip galvanized zinc bath to a preferred temperature in the range of 450 to 460'C. When the temperature is high, it will increase the heat consumption, shorten the service life of the steel zinc pot, accelerate the formation of zinc slag and zinc ash, and affect the quality of the galvanized silkworm plastic layer. When the temperature is low, it will affect the ability of seamless steel tube galvanizing, and the zinc layer is thick and uneven due to the decrease in fluidity of the zinc liquid.

The experienced hot-dip galvanizing workers manipulated the immersion time by investigating the reaction of hot-dip galvanizing: "Put the seamless steel tube into the immersion bath until the "ubilation" phenomenon stops, and then immediately raise it without delay. It is possible to obtain the thickness of the zinc layer required for the use of the space."

Seamless steel tube manufacturers have shown that the thickness of the zinc-iron alloy layer below the pure zinc layer is related to the time of zinc immersion, and the thickness of the pure zinc layer is related to the proposed speed of the seamless steel tube. Some galvanizing processes for high-voltage wire towers, metal structure plants, steel pipe hot-dip galvanizing plants and auto parts hot-dip galvanizing plants that have been produced for many years are generally 30 to 60 s.
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