Round steel pipe

Keywords:Round steel pipe
Round steel pipe are steels that are open at both ends and have a hollow concentric section with a length that is relatively large compared to the circumference. It can be used in pipelines, thermal equipment, machinery industry, petroleum geological drilling, containers, chemical industry and special applications.

Classification of round steel pipe
According to production methods can be divided into seamless round steel pipe and welded round steel pipe.

Seamless round steel pipe manufacturing process
Tube Blanks - Inspection - Peeling - Inspection - Heating - Perforation - Pickling - Grinding - Lubrication Air Drying - Welding Head - Cold Drawing - Solution Treatment - Pickling - Pickling Passivation - Inspection

Welding round steel pipe manufacturing process
Strip - Inspection - Shear - Length - Qualitative - Welding - Smoothing - Length - Inspection
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